Mammoth Mythics is the umbrella company behind various web3 based decentralised projects. We are creating an ecosystem around real immersive gaming that is not only entertaining, but financially rewarding at the same time. We're pushing the boundaries of blockchain gaming with our community at the forefront of it all. Big things are coming to the blockchain!
Mammoth Mythics is an interoperable franchise, with all its projects connected through a gaming metaverse. Our first project, the KamaStikra NFT series, is currently available on the Blockchain. We have plans to incorporate 3 more pillars, Solana, Binance and a layer two Ethereum chain before the end of 2022 which will all be connected through Agartha & the MammothVerse.
KamaStikra is currently the only vehicle to access Agartha and will always be on the WAX Blockchain. As we continue to develop the first triple A Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) Play and Earn, NFT game we wanted to give our community the ability to experience the journey of each of the characters. Every character within the KamaStikra NFT Series has a vision, this vision leads them to the world of Agartha. You are the last hope for civilization as the world plunges into an eternal frost, a new ice age.
Agartha will be the first interoperable Play & Earn MMORPG.Most blockchain games have yet to entice the global gaming industry from traditional gaming platforms due to a lack of immersive gameplay. Agartha will take you on a journey through five territories where you'll be led to believe you're in control of your own destiny. The game will be jam packed with missions, side quests, hidden challenges, massive multiplayer Titan competitions and even retro throwback mini games; all offering an earning mechanic as you progress through the land of Agartha. Are you ready for real blockchain gaming?
As the KamaStikra collection is the first project connected to Agartha, you're able to gain early access to the upcoming game right now! There are three blending phases in the KamaStikra NFT Series. Each blending phase will be broken down and made available throughout 2022 as we continue to develop Agartha. Please check both Agartha & KamaStikra pages for more details.
Between now and the integration of all 4 blockchains, Mammoth Mythics will launch a collection of 3,700 Genesis NFT’s. These tokens will grant holders their share of 10% of the entirety of the brands revenue, yielding monthly. This is across all projects, on every blockchain including Play & Earn utilities and even secondary market sales… absolutely everything! This will also give holders voting rights for future projects, collaborations & innovative games. More information is coming soon. Watch this space...